This classic comedy features Lucille Ball and Henry Fonda reunited. Ball plays a widow with 8 children while Fonda plays a widower with 10 children. The two get married and try to unite the families as one. With 20 different personalities in one home, things get more than a little tough. There is one scene where one of Fonda's children spikes Lucille Ball's drink. She gets drunk and makes a fool of herself, much to the delight of the kids. I love that scene. Her runny makeup and slurring words are just hilarious! This movie has recently been the victim of a terrible remake starring Dennis Quade. If you found that entertaining in any way, you will love the original. It is a wonderful, funny movie that is safe for all ages. Enjoy!
'Sentiment: Neutral 😑'
I worked with Helen Beardsley at a hospital in Fresno, CA in the early 80's. She was a nice woman with a take-charge attitude. (I think you have to have one when you are the mother of 19 children.) She used to live in an ocean-view house in the Carmel area, but then sold it to move to Fresno. We always kidded her about doing that; she said the weather was better inland. I think that she was proud of her book and movie. She sold the rights to her movie early on, before it achieved sort of cult-favorite status. She told me that she regretted doing that. I did not know that she died until I read it on this comment page. I was sorry to read that; she wasn't that old and she was a strong woman.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
I first saw this movie about 8 years ago, and I've seen it many times since. All the actors here are wonderful (and everyone gets at least one funny line and scene). My personal favorite part of the movie is when the Norths/Beardsleys move into their new home during a rainstorm and a power outage. The dialogue and facial expressions still have me rolling on the floor!